i was in an airport and my dad and my grnadpa was picking me up and i had a phone calling them and then i walked into a terminal and i saw mac demarco and he asked me about his last music video and if it was good or not, and then i got picked up and i went to a supermarket and i saw sans (a game character) in the floor and the ceiling (there was a neon blue line that drew around and outlined it) and then i did a pokemon style battle (back and forth) with the noise (another game character)
This dream seems to be a mixture of various elements that may hold personal significance to you. Here is a breakdown of the key symbols in your dream:
Airport: Dreaming of an airport usually symbolizes a time of transition or change in your life. It may suggest you are embarking on a new journey or facing new opportunities.
Seeing family members: Seeing your dad and grandpa in the dream may symbolize a sense of support and guidance from your family in a time of transition or change.
Phone call: The phone call could represent communication and connection with the people around you.
Meeting Mac Demarco: Mac Demarco may represent creativity, freedom, or expression. Asking you about his music video could indicate seeking validation or feedback in your waking life.
Supermarket: Supermarkets are places where you shop for essentials. It may represent your search for fulfillment or satisfaction in various aspects of your life.
Seeing Sans and the noise: Seeing game characters like Sans and the Noise in your dream may suggest a playful or fantastical element. Engaging in a Pokémon-style battle with the Noise could indicate a struggle or conflict you are facing, perhaps internally or with external forces.
Overall, this dream appears to reflect a combination of your thoughts, experiences, and emotions. It may be a reflection of your current state of mind and the various challenges and influences you are encountering.